As Rome Burns

Media: Ink, Pastel, and Colored Pencil
Detail shots below artwork

Tom Mallon: Betrothal of Hera - Charcoal and Chalk on Kraft Paper
Mouse over detail thumbnails below and CLICK any one to begin slideshow
  • As Rome Burns by Tom Mallon - Nero with Poppaea Sabina
    Nero seated upon his throne as he lulls his consort Poppaea Sabina
  • As Rome Burns by Tom Mallon - Sporus Fitting a Sandal
    Nero's companion Sporus as he bends to fit a sandal onto a noblewoman who balances her weight against a goat
  • As Rome Burns by Tom Mallon - Mock Emperor and Clown
    Mock Emperor sitting on the steps before Nero with another clown in mocking adoration
  • As Rome Burns by Tom Mallon - Noblewoman with Servant
    Servant holding tray during flirtatious advances of noblewoman
  • As Rome Burns by Tom Mallon - Statilia Messalina
    Nero's future consort, Statilia Messalina with lover
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Three Studies of Male Torso (Large Image) As Rome Burnes by Tom Mallon - Ink, Pastel, and Colored Pencil