Return to Section PortfolioBiology - Lifescience

Media: Ink of Mylar
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Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar
Mouse over detail thumbnails below and CLICK any one to begin slideshow
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Digital- Proconsul Transitional Genus
    Illustration of the transitional genus primate known as the Proconsul, from which all apes and monkeys evolved
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Digital- Great Apes & Transitional Genus
    The Proconsul ransitional Genus and the subsequent species of Great Apes, including Man, Gibbon, Gorella, Chimpanzee and Orangutan.
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Bean Analysis
    Disections of lima bean (left) and corn bean (right)
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Evolutionary Family Tree
    The evolutionary family tree of animals according to widely held theory. The fossil record provides little evidence as to these relationships because there are few early fossils of soft-bodied invertebrates.
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Human Heart
    Diagram of interior passages of the human heart
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Pupfish
    The Salt Creek Pupfish lives in Salt Creek in the Death Valley. Depicted here is the male (left) and female (right) Pupfush.
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Living Echinoderms
    Five species of living echinoderms
  • Biology - Lifescience Illustrations by Tom Mallon - Ink on Mylar - Fate of Energy
    Fate of energy in the food of (a) black swallow-tail butterfly caterpillars; (b) white-tailed deer.
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