Return to Tom Mallon's Original Art PortfolioSix Facial Studies (Self-Portraits)

Media: Acrylic on Canvas
Detail shots below artwork

Tom Mallon: Acrylic on Canvas "Andy" - 16" x 20"
Mouse over detail thumbnails below and CLICK any one to begin slideshow
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) - Inattentive
    1. Exhibiting a lack of attention; not attentive. 2. Unmindful, vacant thought.
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) -
    1. Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act, possession, quality, or relationship by which one measures one's stature or self-worth: proud of one's child; proud to serve one's country. 2. Occasioning or being a reason for pride: "On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible" (W. Bruce Lincoln). 3. Feeling or showing justifiable self-respect. 4. Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem. 5. Of great dignity; honored: a proud name. 6. Majestic; magnificent: proud alpine peaks. 7. Spirited. Used of an animal: proud steeds.
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) - Acquiescence
    1. Passive assent or agreement without protest. 2. The state of being acquiescent.
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) - Confrontational
    1. The act of confronting or the state of being confronted, especially a meeting face to face. 2. Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas.
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) - Doubt
    1. To be undecided or skeptical about: began to doubt some accepted doctrines. 2. To tend to disbelieve; distrust: doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements. 3. To regard as unlikely: I doubt that we'll arrive on time.
  • Six Facial Studies by Tom Mallon, Acrylic on Canvas - 7 x 9 inches (each) - Nosferatu
    1. The Undead. 2. One who lives by preying on others. 3. The reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep.
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